Checklist for Selecting the Right CO2 Measurement System to Prevent COVID-19

A high CO2 concentration indoors favors the transmission of viruses. Use this checklist to find the right system to monitor indoor air quality.
Aerosols are a possible mode of transmission of SARS-CoV-2, especially indoors. Poor ventilation and prolonged stays lead to an increased risk of infection if an infected person is in the room or has previously used the room for a longer period of time. These statements are also supported by the official Swiss COVID-19 Science Task Force.
Why Should Indoor Air Quality be Measured?
While there are no commercially available instruments that directly measure the Corona virus, a good proxy is to measure CO2 levels in the air. Low CO2 levels are an important indicator of high-quality air that we breathe. Good air, especially indoors, can reduce health risks and prevent illness. At the same time, good indoor air leads to better performance and well-being.
Are Masks Not Enough Inside a Building?
Masks do reduce the risk of infection, but unfortunately, no preventive measure is completely safe. CO2 measurement is a complementary method that provides protection in addition to wearing masks. Masks lose their efficiency over time and rarely filter 100% of the inhaled air, as they often fit incorrectly, for example. With the monitoring of the air quality by CO2 measurement, it can be achieved that by regular and correct ventilation or by adapted room use the quality of the inhaled air demonstrably increases
Below is our free checklist for selecting the right CO2 measurement system: